Tuesday 20 November 2018

Write a Hello Program in HTML

Learn to write a Hello Program in HTML.

                                                                     (2 minutes coding)


         Steps to make your own program

Thursday 15 November 2018

Program to turn the Bulb ON/OFF by changing the source of image using JAVASCRIPT

Program to change the image source using Javascript.
                                                         (2 minutes coding)

Steps to make your own image source changing program

How to change the image source using Javascript.

Program to change the image source using Javascript.

   (2 minutes coding)

Steps to make your own image source changing program

Saturday 3 November 2018

How to use Frames in HTML.

Learn to use Frames in HTML.
  • Frames are used in place of body in HTML.
  • The   <Frameset> tag is used in place of <body> tag.
  • The frameset element can have rows or cols attribute .
  • The number of rows or cols are used to define number of rows or cols in frameset.
  • Frame tag contains src attribute in which we will provide the path of web page whose  content we want to display   in that  particular frame.

How to write a program to insert graphics in a web page.

Learn to add graphics(images) in a web page(HTML page).

(2 minutes coding)

Steps to add images or graphics in a web page.

Program for finding whether a given number is Palindrome or not using JavaScript.

Learn to Make a program for checking whether the  number is palindrome or not using JavaScript .
                                                        (2 minutes coding)

                                         Steps to make your own program


                                                              UNIT 3  ER (Entity Relationship) An entity-relationship model is known as an E...