Friday 28 July 2023

Computer Network Syllabus

Computer Network Syllabus

Computer Network

UNIT-1: Introduction to Computer Networking

Data Communication, Networks – Distributed Processing, Network Criteria, Applications; Protocols and Standards, Standard Organization, Line Configuration – Point to Point, Multi Point; Topology – Mesh, Star, Tree, Bus, Ring, Hybrid; Transmission mode, Categories of Network – LAN, MAN, WAN, Inter Networks,

UNIT-2: Transmission of Digital Data

Analog and Digital, digital data transmission – parallel transmission, serial transmission, DTE-DCE interface – data terminal equipment, data circuit terminating equipment, standards, modems- Transmission rate, Modem standards.

UNIT-3: The OSI Model

The model – Layered architecture, functions of the layers -Physical layer, Data Link layer, Network layer, Transport layer, session layer, Presentation layer, Application layer

UNIT-4: TCP/IP Model & Protocols

The TCP/IP reference model, comparison of TCP/IP & OSI, Introduction to Internet – ARPANET, Architecture of Internet, Client server model, www, IP Address Classes, Protocols: IP, HTTP, TCP. FTP, ARP.

UNIT-5: Network Security

Introduction of Network Security and its importance. Cryptography: Definitions, Symmetric Key Cryptography: Traditional Ciphers, Simple modern Ciphers, Asymmetric Key Cryptography: RSA, Security Services, Digital Signatures.


  1. Introduction to Data communication & Networking – Behrouz & Forouzan
  2. Computer Networking – Andres & Tanenbaum _


                                                              UNIT 3  ER (Entity Relationship) An entity-relationship model is known as an E...